Notice the small things.
I live in a small but urban city on the coast. The other night by boyfriend and I came back to my parked car after dinner to find a praying mantis sitting in the middle my windshield. We both just stared in awe and surprise—where did it come from?
I consider myself to be an open-minded skeptic when it comes to things like spirit animals, but I was not surprised to learn that praying mantis’ bring with them the idea of mindfulness and a reminder to slow down.
2. Count your blessings and keep perspective.
Chances are your life is pretty great. Yes, we all have struggles. But my “first world” problems are not life threatening, are they? Do I have an unsafe living situation? No. Do I struggle to find clean drinking water? Do I have a life-threatening illness? No and no.
I have everything I need to survive (and more)—and I bet you do too.
3. Do not compare.
Things aren’t always what they seem. That friend who just got married may not be totally happy in her career. That couple that just bought a house might be feeling strapped financially. There are ups and downs to every situation.
Trust that you are where you are supposed to be and that everything happens for a reason.
4. Find joy.
There is a lot of joy in each day; you just need to look for it. That toothless grin from a 9 year old? Joy. Your cat pouncing on the nearest moving target? Joy. Leaves beginning to get their golden hue? Amazing. Pasta with homemade pesto? Awesome.
There are simply amazing things that happen every single day. Just open your eyes.
5. Control the controllables.
This is something my boyfriend always says, and I really like it. Change what you can and don’t stress about the rest. You cannot change traffic but you can change how you react to it. So you have an extra 10 minutes in the car? See it as down time.
You cannot change others but you can change how you react to them. Your friend is late for dinner plans? Grab a beer and relax. Chances are it isn’t on purpose, and what is wrong with a little extra me-time?
6. Live in the moment.
I am a planner. I like to know when and where for pretty much everything that happens in my life. It is limiting, to say the least.
For some reason I seem to think that making plans will decrease my anxiety. But you know what makes me really anxious? When plans change. The thing is, plans change all the time! Life happens and you cannot control it.
Go with the flow. Plan only what you need to, and learn to take the day as it comes.
7. Trust the universe.
You don’t have to believe in a higher power for this one. You just have to notice all the good around you. There is proof right in front of you that things do turn out how they are supposed to. Find inspiration and hope in the happiness that surrounds you everyday.